Tuesday, March 22, 2005
"my house" was sold and is closing in ten days... i took a picture at the same location in 1998 when it was still a construction site, and the house behind me was not yet built.
see the tree in front of the house? it was planted after i had moved in, and i used to decorate it with beautiful christmas lights and ornaments.
i put up the blinds, and painted the walls myself.....
yes, there are so many many memories.....finally, i need to leave them behind..
Friday, March 18, 2005
This sharing of Rick Warren was sent to me by my friend Nancy. It's been a while since my heart was last touched by a sharing. The question he asked himself at the end of the interview made me look deeply into myself, and how I live today - Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)? Nangee, thank you again!
p.s. Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. He and his wife, Kay, began the church in their home in January 1980, with one family.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
我的論文 002
記得第一次修讀林榮洪先生的中國教會史時﹐選了“中國三十年代復興運動”作為論文題材。本以為這一題目的資料豐富﹐不難把論文寫好。那知因為資料實在太豐富了﹐以至無法好好處理﹐最後論文變成擇要 - 沒有論題﹐也沒有論證。總算林教授手下留情﹐才不至“肥佬”。
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
my dissertation 001
This is the final paper I submitted for my history course in 1997 while I was pursuing my M. Div at Ontario Theological Seminary (now called Tyndale University.)
The purpose of the assignment was to comprehend Summa Theologica, Part One, Question 2 (The Existence of God) and write a paper on our findings. Therefore, you will need to read this article by Thomas Aquinas first.
Here is a summary of my arguments:
1. The existence of the Supreme Being is knowable and the knowing required His participation.
2. There is no need to have Gods continuous participation in the process of knowing His existence.
3. The essence of God is knowable
4. It is not possible to understand the essence of God by the created intellects alone (what I called mere human initiative,) but with the Supreme Beings active participation. Because of this, not everyone is able to see Gods essence.
5. The essence of God cannot be comprehended.
The purpose of the assignment was to comprehend Summa Theologica, Part One, Question 2 (The Existence of God) and write a paper on our findings. Therefore, you will need to read this article by Thomas Aquinas first.
Here is a summary of my arguments:
1. The existence of the Supreme Being is knowable and the knowing required His participation.
2. There is no need to have Gods continuous participation in the process of knowing His existence.
3. The essence of God is knowable
4. It is not possible to understand the essence of God by the created intellects alone (what I called mere human initiative,) but with the Supreme Beings active participation. Because of this, not everyone is able to see Gods essence.
5. The essence of God cannot be comprehended.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
上乘之作︰蔡健雅 雙棲動物
i think the below review by stephen lee is a very good read. don't say i am a plagiarist, i will write up my own later when i hv time. my favourite song is 雙棲動物
如果與初出道時那個外型略帶硬朗,歌曲清新爽快且帶點跩的蔡健雅比較起來,現在 的蔡健雅確實已經走向成熟的路線,唱得歌愈來愈「女人」。
新專輯《雙棲動物》是Tanya(蔡之洋名)轉投華納後第二張唱片,也是隨銷量不俗的 《陌生人》而來的新專輯。承接著上張碟的風格,碟內的歌曲以抒情作品為主,即唱 片公司所說的以都會情歌為主線。大部分歌曲都是以探討現代人的感情世界與想法為 主,以期觸動人心,得到一些空虛心靈的和應。碟內的歌曲風格,大都顯得含蓄,最 初「你快走開」﹑「好無聊」時的火藥味已不復見。這是Tanya打從《記念》﹑《I Do Believe》等專輯累積回來的轉變。
新碟除了必然有Tanya自己的作品外,一些合作開的音樂人如其前男友黃韻仁、Kenn .C、Adam﹑小寒,以及合作不多的黃怡、Jim Lee都在創作名單內。Tanya的創作力早 就毋庸置疑,而其他創作人的作品,也是旋律與歌詞都動人之作。在具有流行度之餘 ,也未有流於過份大路,是些上乘的華語情歌。至於Tanya的嗓音,日趨細膩,相信 這與她閱歷漸多有關。另外,她的聲線亦有很強的滲透力,很容易就使人投入﹑沉醉 於其中,這是她其中一個能吸引到樂迷的原因。
主打歌「雙棲動物」由「無底洞」原班人馬創作,旋律依舊動聽,歌詞則寫個人失去 愛後的感情為主,不像上次探討一些人的心態,兩者各有特色,而一如上次,這歌的 弦樂亦能烘托出一份傷感的氣氛。
同樣由黃韻仁及小寒寫的「假想敵」也是動聽的情歌。由起首的抒情,漸漸加入一些 搖滾的元素,宛如心情的起伏,Tanya投入的詮釋亦與旋律﹑編曲的推進配合。
與孫燕姿合唱的「原點」是個令人意外的合作。整首歌曲詞不俗,內容動人,兩人同 時錄音令合唱顯得更諧協,Tanya的冷靜﹑堅強的演繹與燕姿偏向柔情的演繹都精彩 。
「優先權」﹑「坐立不安」是爽朗﹑明快的歌曲,內容出色,略有Tanya舊日的影子 。其他歌曲方面,「二手煙」﹑「一分鐘追悔」及「失憶症」也是上佳的中﹑慢板情 歌,值得一聽。
如果與初出道時那個外型略帶硬朗,歌曲清新爽快且帶點跩的蔡健雅比較起來,現在 的蔡健雅確實已經走向成熟的路線,唱得歌愈來愈「女人」。
新專輯《雙棲動物》是Tanya(蔡之洋名)轉投華納後第二張唱片,也是隨銷量不俗的 《陌生人》而來的新專輯。承接著上張碟的風格,碟內的歌曲以抒情作品為主,即唱 片公司所說的以都會情歌為主線。大部分歌曲都是以探討現代人的感情世界與想法為 主,以期觸動人心,得到一些空虛心靈的和應。碟內的歌曲風格,大都顯得含蓄,最 初「你快走開」﹑「好無聊」時的火藥味已不復見。這是Tanya打從《記念》﹑《I Do Believe》等專輯累積回來的轉變。
新碟除了必然有Tanya自己的作品外,一些合作開的音樂人如其前男友黃韻仁、Kenn .C、Adam﹑小寒,以及合作不多的黃怡、Jim Lee都在創作名單內。Tanya的創作力早 就毋庸置疑,而其他創作人的作品,也是旋律與歌詞都動人之作。在具有流行度之餘 ,也未有流於過份大路,是些上乘的華語情歌。至於Tanya的嗓音,日趨細膩,相信 這與她閱歷漸多有關。另外,她的聲線亦有很強的滲透力,很容易就使人投入﹑沉醉 於其中,這是她其中一個能吸引到樂迷的原因。
主打歌「雙棲動物」由「無底洞」原班人馬創作,旋律依舊動聽,歌詞則寫個人失去 愛後的感情為主,不像上次探討一些人的心態,兩者各有特色,而一如上次,這歌的 弦樂亦能烘托出一份傷感的氣氛。
同樣由黃韻仁及小寒寫的「假想敵」也是動聽的情歌。由起首的抒情,漸漸加入一些 搖滾的元素,宛如心情的起伏,Tanya投入的詮釋亦與旋律﹑編曲的推進配合。
與孫燕姿合唱的「原點」是個令人意外的合作。整首歌曲詞不俗,內容動人,兩人同 時錄音令合唱顯得更諧協,Tanya的冷靜﹑堅強的演繹與燕姿偏向柔情的演繹都精彩 。
「優先權」﹑「坐立不安」是爽朗﹑明快的歌曲,內容出色,略有Tanya舊日的影子 。其他歌曲方面,「二手煙」﹑「一分鐘追悔」及「失憶症」也是上佳的中﹑慢板情 歌,值得一聽。
my most recent purchase:
倖田來未 倖感機密 (secret)
Monday, March 14, 2005
initial post
just found this phenomenal "blog" thing... wanted to give it a try
maybe it will become my diary, a to-do-list.. or just a way to jot down my thoughts.. or....
btw, just created my first self-served web page "creepy video" for my creepy friends. do take a look when u hv time.
maybe it will become my diary, a to-do-list.. or just a way to jot down my thoughts.. or....
btw, just created my first self-served web page "creepy video" for my creepy friends. do take a look when u hv time.
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